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Eliany Marc – Plays
Eliany Marc – The Rezadeira (Francais)
Marc Eliany
Annonceur :
Au moins deux mille ans avant notre ?re,
un Babylonien nomm? Abraham
voyageait ? travers le Moyen-Orient,
et d?couvrit une multitude de superstitions
qui faisaient de pierre, de bois et d??tres humains,
des divinit?s
au nom desquelles
des hostilit?s se poursuivaient.
Pendant toute sa vie,
Abraham n’ accepta pas ces hostilit?s
et chercha des fa?ons de les arr?ter.
Abraham, levant ses yeux au ciel,
une cr?ation immense
et infiniment harmonieuse.
Il se dit
qu?au-del? de la vie terrestre,
il devait y avoir
une autre fa?on de vivre,
en paix
avec soi,
avec l?un
et l?autre.
De ce jour-l?,
il n?arr?tait pas de pr?cher
? tous ceux qui lui tendaient l?oreille.
Ses premiers convertis
abandonn?rent leurs pr?occupations mat?rielles,
cass?rent leurs idoles
et s?engag?rent ? vivre en harmonie
dans un cosmos infini.
Ces premiers convertis
sont les anc?tres des Juifs d?aujourd?hui.
Jusqu?? aujourd?hui,
le D?ieu des Juifs
n?a ni corps ni forme,
mais un code de vie qui se r?sume
en un seul axiome :
? Tu aimeras ton prochain comme toi-m?me ?.
Tout le reste
n?est qu?interpr?tations.
Vers le d?but de notre? ?re,
un homme nomm? J?sus,
descendant d?Abraham,
qu?au nom
d?une arme en main,
juive ou romaine,
la vie de l??tre humain
?tait r?duite
? la mis?re
pour le bien
de quelques-uns.
levant les yeux au ciel,
une cr?ation immense
et infiniment harmonieuse.
Il se dit
qu?au-del? de la vie terrestre,
il devait y avoir
une autre fa?on de vivre,
en paix
avec soi,
avec l?un
et l?autre.
De ce jour-l?,
il n?arr?tait pas de pr?cher
? tous ceux qui lui tendaient l?oreille.
Ses premiers convertis
abandonn?rent leurs pr?occupations mat?rielles,
et s?engag?rent ? vivre en harmonie
dans un cosmos infini.
Ces premiers convertis
sont les anc?tres des Juifs d?aujourd?hui.
Jusqu?? aujourd?hui,
le D?ieu des Juifs
n?a ni corps ni forme,
mais un code de vie qui se r?sume
en un seul axiome :
? Tu aimeras ton prochain comme toi-m?me ?.
Tout le reste
n?est qu?interpr?tations.
Arm?s de cette vision,
les Juifs se sont dispers?s
dans tout l?univers.
En 1497,
sur un petit bout de terre
nomm? Portugal,
des Juifs
vivaient en paix parmi leurs voisins.
Ils ?taient savants
en navigations
et en toutes autres disciplines
n?cessaire pour am?liorer
la vie de leure communaut?.
En 1497,
un homme dont le nom Emmanuel,
signifie en h?breu
? D?ieu est avec nous ?,
d?cida que les Juifs,
sur son bout de terre nomm? Portugal
ne seraient plus Juifs
mais plut?t chr?tiens!
Les enfants ayant
moins de 14 ans
furent arrach?s
des bras de leur m?re
pour ?tre ?lev?s
dans des familles chr?tiennes.
Les Juifs qui refusaient
de se convertir
furent condamn?s
comme des criminels.
Leurs enfants,
dans un acte de cruaut?
furent exil?s
sur une ?le sauvage,
sur Saint-Tom?,
o? aucun n?a pu survivre
aux reptiles qui les d?vor?rent.
Pendant 500 ans,
sur un petit bout de terre
nomm? Portugal,
les Juifs,
maintenant nouveaux chr?tiens,
?taient surnomm?s par leurs voisins :
? Marranes ?, ce qui veut dire ? cochons ?,
en leur langue.
Pendant 500 ans,
avant d?entrer ? l??glise,
les Marranes proclamaient :
? J?entre
dans cette maison
mais je n?adore ni bois
ni pierre.
de tout mon coeur
le D?ieu unique
le D?ieu de l?Univers! ?
Au d?but de l?ann?e 1997,
un ?tranger arriva ? Belmonte,
au nord du Portugal.
Il rencontra une vieille Marrane,
la R?zadeira.
Un jour,
la R?zadeira
s?enferma ? l?int?rieur de sa maison
et d?versa son coeur
devant un autel de chandelles
cach? dans une petite armoire.
R?zadeira se lave les mains et prie
B?ni sois-Tu
Dieu de l?Univers
qui nous a ordonn?
de nous laver les mains
comme le faisaient nos anc?tres
en terre sainte.
ouvre un autel cach? dans une petite armoire et allume des chandelles en priant
B?ni sois-Tu
Dieu de l?Univers
qui nous a ordonn?
d?allumer cette chandelle
comme le faisaient nos anc?tres
en terre sainte.
Que Ta lumi?re
?claire notre vie
Que Ta lumi?re
illumine notre ?me
Que Ta lumi?re
Nous d?livre de l?oppression
Qu?au ciel
s??l?ve cette pri?re
? 6
R?zadeira commence un monologue avec le D?ieu de l?univers.
Un m?lange de confession, critique et pri?re.
??????????????? Adonai,
??????????????? O? sont les Juifs????????????????
??????????????? Cet ?tranger demande.
??????????????? Et il y en a encore qui r?pondent
??????????????? ? Je suis Juif ?,
??????????????? comme si rien n??tait arriv?
??????????????? comme s?ils avaient tout oubli?.
??????????????? Pardonne-moi, ?ternel, si j?ai dit :
??????????????? Non, nous ne sommes pas Juifs!
si j?ai dit le credo
si j?ai ador? les marmites de lard
si j?ai entendu des messes
si j?ai fait le signe de la croix
??????????????? Si j?ai dit ? mon fr?re
??????????????? de tout nier.??????????
??????????????? Tu sais qu?il n?est qu?un mis?rable!
??????????????? Qu?il ne donne plus de valeur ? sa vie,
??????????????? depuis que Tu nous as abandonn?
??????????????? entre les mains des princes
??????????????? qui ne valorisent que les biens terrestres.
Ceux qui ont les yeux
sur les biens terrestres
ne savent pas
que tout ce qu?ils ont
ne leur appartient pas.
Ceux qui ont les yeux
sur les biens terrestres
ont oubli?
veuves et orphelins.
? 7
Ceux qui ont les yeux
sur les biens terrestres
nous ont vendus comme esclaves
aux coins du monde.
Ceux qui ont les yeux
sur les biens terrestres
ne sont rien
sans bonnes actions.
R?zadeira continue son monologue :
??????????????? Adonai, D?ieu de l?univers
??????????????? Toi qui sais tout.
??????????????? Toi qui sais
??????????????? que nous suivons Ton chemin,
??????????????? m?me si nous sommes ?gar?s,
??????????????? Tu sais que
??????????????? nous sommes tous des Juifs.
??????????????? M?me s?il en est parmi nous
??????????????? qui l?ont oubli?,
??????????????? les autres nous le rappellent tous les jours.
M?me s?ils ont pri? avec passion,
ils n?ont jamais pu tuer
leurs visages de convertis;
ils n?ont jamais pu perdre
leur nom de Juifs!
??????????????? Alors, ? quoi sert de le nier?
??????????????? Et maintenant que j’ai ferm? la porte ? clef,
??????????????? Tu sais que je Te dis toute la v?rit?.
??????????????? Qui est Juif
??????????????? et qui ne l?est pas?
??????????????? Tout le monde est Juif
??????????????? m?me ceux qui ne le savent pas.
??????????????? J?sus est Juif.
??????????????? Oui, J?sus est Juif,
??????????????? m?me s?ils ne le savent pas!
??? 8 ?????????????
??????????????? Toi-m?me,
??????????????? Tu as dit ? Tes proph?tes
??????????????? qu?il n?y a qu?une fin,
??????????????? tout le monde cherchera Ton salut
??????????????? sur le mont de Ton temple.
??????????????? Tout le monde n?est qu?un.
??????????????? Adonai,
??????????????? pardonne-moi, si je Te demande :
??????????????? ? Qu?est-ce que Tu attends? ?
??????????????? N?avons-nous pas assez err?
??????????????? sur les montagnes de Belmonte?
??????????????? Et cet ?tranger que Tu nous as envoy?,
??????????????? est-il? une autre ?preuve?
??????????????? Il dit que ses anc?tres sont les n?tres.
??????????????? Marranes ? Lisbonne
??????????????? ou ? Cape Verte,
??????????????? Juifs ? Amsterdam
??????????????? ou Marrakech.
??????????????? Dans ses yeux
??????????????? j?ai vu Ta lumi?re briller.
??????????????? La lumi?re qui illumine notre chemin,
??????????????? d?j? 500 ans sombres,
??????????????? un exil
??????????????? dans un second exil
??????????????? de 2 000 ans!
??????????????? Pardonne-moi,
??????????????? D?ieu d?Abraham,
??????????????? pardonne-moi,
??????????????? D?ieu de J?sus,
??????????????? si je Te demande pourquoi
??????????????? nous vivons toujours dans la mis?re.
??????????????? N?as-Tu pas assez de notre souffrance,
??????????????? Dieu de compassion!
??????????????? Tu as entendu l??tranger parler
??????????????? de tout ce qu?on a oubli?.
? 9
Il a dit que
??????????????? Ses anc?tres
??????????????? avec l?eau du salut
??????????????? de Cohen
??????????????? ils sont devenus
??????????????? de J?sus
??????????????? B?nis soient-ils;
??????????????? ? Marrakech leurs ?mes reposent.
En captivit?
J?ai suivi Ta loi c?leste
et j?ai ?t? ch?ti?.
J?ai entendu dire
? O? est leur secours? ?
et je ne savais plus.
Je donnerai
autant qu?il me sera possible
amour et louange
Mais montre Ta face
?claire mon ?me
Adonai Seigneur
Tu n?es pas venu
? mon secours
Tu m?as abandonn?.
R?zadeira chante :
avec l?eau de ton salut???????? Choral
avec l?eau de ton salut???????? Choral
avec l?eau de ton salut???????? Choral
??????????????? avec l?eau de ton salut????????
??????????????? avec l?eau de ton salut
??????????????? avec l?eau de ton salut
donne-moi la paix.
R?zadeira r?cite :
??????????????? Seigneur
??????????????? ma main droite
??????????????? sur sa t?te
??????????????? je l?ai b?ni :
Adonay, b?nis-nous
Adonay, prot?ge-nous
Adonay, montre-nous Ta lumi?re
Adonay, donne-nous la paix
??????????????? Et il a dit encore :
??????????????????????????????? que son p?re est mont? au ciel
??????????????????????????????? que son ?me repose en paix!
R?zadeira chante :
Celle qui l?a cr??
a fait ce qu?elle savait
pour lui montrer
le chemin de Mo?se
m?me s?il ?tait ?gar?.
D?ieu d?Isra?l
de ceux qui le poursuivent
Si ses m?rites
ne sont pas suffisants
de ses matriarches
D?ieu d?Isra?l
des faux t?moins
Si ses m?rites ne sont pas suffisants
des martyrs
D?ieu d?Isra?l
des bouchers et des flammes
m?me si ses m?rites ne Te suffisent pas.
D?ieu d?Isra?l
donne-lui le repos ?ternel,
et souviens-Toi!
D?ieu d?Isra?l,
rapproche-nous de J?rusalem,
donne-nous la paix sur terre.
??????????????? Il dit :
??????????????????????????????? De la Terre Sainte
??????????????????????????????? il est venu.
??????????????????????????????? De la Promise Terre
??????????????????????????????? il nous a apport? des nouvelles.
??????????????????????????????? Isra?l!
??????????????????????????????? B?ni soit-il!
??????????????????????????????? Sa m?re vit en Isra?l!
?? 12
??????????????????????????????? B?nie soit-elle!
??????????????????????????????? Sa m?re l?a envoy? chercher
??????????????????????????????? la famille de J?sus ? Belmonte!
??????????????????????????????? Adonai, dis-moi,
??????????????????????????????? est-ce que je r?ve?
??????????????????????????????? Est-ce qu?il dit vrai?
R?zadeira chante :
(la main pos?e sur le coeur)
au levant
Sur les ailes de Daniel
ma pri?re s??l?ve
paix sur terre
divine b?n?diction
(la main pos?e sur la bouche)
au levant
des l?vres d?Abraham
ma pri?re s??l?ve
paix sur terre
divine b?n?diction
(la main pos?e sur la t?te)
au levant
Au nom de Mo?se
ma pri?re s??l?ve
? 13
paix sur terre
divine b?n?diction
R?zadeira r?cite :
??????????????? Adonai,
??????????????? Nos fr?res sont-ils vraiment en Terre Sainte?
??????????????? Demandent-ils de nos nouvelles?
??????????????? S?inqui?tent-ils de notre sort?
??????????????????????????????? Il dit :
??????????????????????????????????????????????? Leurs pieds sont fermes sur terre.
??????????????????????????????????????????????? Ils cultivent la terre
??????????????????????????????????????????????? et mangent ses fruits.
??????????????????????????????????????????????? Le jour,
??????????????????????????????????????????????? ils sont ? la recherche
??????????????????????????????????????????????? des brebis ?gar?es.
??????????????????????????????????????????????? La nuit,
??????????????????????????????????????????????? ? la garde du troupeau regroup?.
??????????????????????????????? Il dit :
??????????????????????????????????????????????? De leur part,
??????????????????????????????????????????????? il nous apporte
??????????????????????????????????????????????? b?n?dictions et invitations
??????????????????????????????????????????????? ? se rassembler ? J?rusalem
??????????????????????????????????????????????? sur ailes d?aigles
??????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ou dos de baleines!
R?zadeira chante :
Que D?ieu
nous donne
??????????????????????????????? Choral avant chaque verset
??????????????????????????????????????????????? Que D?ieu
??????????????????????????????????????????????? nous donne
la foi d?Abraham
la cl?mence de No?
le bonheur de Jacob
la sagesse de Mo?se
le courage de G?deon
l?esprit de J?r?mie
la repentance de David
la science de Salomon
la charit? de Tobie
la patience de Job
??????????????????????????????? Choral avant chaque verset
??????????????????????????????????????????????? Que D?ieu
??????????????????????????????????????????????? nous donne
afin de contempler
ses d?lices
afin que la loi de l?univers
se r?pande
d?ici jusqu?? J?rusalem
Choral et R?zadeira
D?ieu Adonai
R?zadeira r?cite :
?a fait peut-?tre 100 ans que je Te prie
et Tu ne dis jamais rien.
?a fait peut-?tre 500 ans
que ma m?re
et la m?re de ma m?re Te prient
et Tu n?as jamais rien dit.
Et maintenant
Tu nous as envoy? un ?tranger
de jeans trou?s
et les cheveux longs
comme une fille.
? 15
Est-ce Ta fa?on de nous dire
que notre ch?timent est fini?
Montre-Toi dans mes r?ves,
donne-moi un signe,
car le sommeil m?emporte.
Principe de tous les principes
Poussi?re et cendre que je suis.
M?me si j?ai p?ch?
mes p?ch?s de captivit?
comptent pour rien.
Au jour du jugement,
p?se mes intentions
et Tu verras
que je ne m?rite pas
Ton ch?timent.
R?zadeira chante :
Pri?res du soir
Des cl?s d?Abraham
la porte ferm?e
Dans mon lit
je me suis couch?e
du manteau d?Esther
je me suis couverte
? Adonai
j?ai remis mon ?me
Dans mon r?ve
l?ange Gabriel
m?a dit
je ne craindrai rien
je ne craindrai rien.
Amen, Seigneur
Que cette pri?re s??l?ve
? l?aube, le lendemain, R?zadeira se l?ve, se lave puis r?cite :
Que les anges louent le Seigneur
qui m?a cr??e
Que les anges louent le Seigneur qui m?a donn?
les yeux pour voir
les mains pour toucher
les oreilles pour entendre
Que les anges louent le Seigneur
qui m?a gratifi?e
de l?intelligence pour comprendre
Que les anges louent le Seigneur qui m?a cr??e
Seigneur, D?ieu de l?Univers, Amen.
? la mont?e de l?aube
je me suis lev?e
les psaumes sacr?s.
??????????????????????????????? Choral
??????????????? Adonai est ma joie
??????????????? Adonai c?est ma foi
Avec la belle aurore
le Tr?s-Haut
s?est lev?
??????????????? Choral
??????????????? Adonai est ma joie
??????????????? Adonai c?est ma foi
???????? 17
? la lumi?re du jour
ma pri?re
au ciel s??l?ve
??????????????? Choral
??????????????? Adonai est ma foi
??????????????? Adonai c?est ma joie
??????????????? R?zadeira se lave les mains et pr?pare le pain du matin tout en r?citant :
pour le souffle de la vie
que Tu m?as remis
ce beau matin.
Mais dis-moi pourquoi
Tu ne m?as pas envoy?
l?ange Gabriel?
Peut-?tre que Tu penses
que je ne le m?rite pas.
Mais Tu te trompes.
Dans la captivit?
j?ai suivi Ton chemin.
Sans Cohanim.
Sans L?viim.
Et maintenant
Tu me laisses seule,
avec cet ?tranger en jeans trou?s.
Et toute seule encore une fois,
je dois d?cider
si l?exil est fini
si J?rusalem est de nouveau l?.
?????? 18
L?offrande de la halla
(si c?est pr?s de p?que, r?citer le chant suivant)
R?zadeira jette au feu une boule de p?te en r?p?tant trois fois :
R?zadeira :
accepte notre offrande
m?me si nous avons p?ch?
B?nis sois-Tu
Toi qui sais tout
Adonai shema? tefilatenu
L?offrande de la halla (? P?que)
accepte notre offrande
comme celle
de nos fr?res
en Terre Promise
???? 19
nourris Tes enfants errants
comme Tu as nourris
nos anc?tres
dans Ta Terre Sainte
Toi qui sais tout
qu?on puisse c?l?brer notre p?que
que notre pri?re
au ciel s??l?ve
Adonai shema? tefilatenu
R?zadeira ? table
Cet ?tranger que Tu nous as envoy? en jeans trou?s
nous r?cite toutes Tes Pri?res dans Ta langue sainte.
Il a b?ni Ton pain avant de manger.
Mais nous,
nous ne savons pas.
De toute fa?on,
tout ce qu?on sait
vient de Toi.
R?zadeira prie :
Que tout ce que l?on mange
nous apporte l?abondance
que tout ce que l?on boit
nous apporte la sant?
??? 20
Que tout ce qui reste
nous apporte ta b?n?diction
Que cette pri?re s??l?ve
B?ni soit le Seigneur,
D?ieu de l?Univers,
R?zadeira r?cite :
L??tranger a dit que c?est une belle pri?re.
Si c?est une belle pri?re,
pourquoi Tu ne nous ?coutes pas?
Pourquoi Tu nous as abandonn?s dans ce double exil?
Est-ce qu?il ne Te suffisait pas
qu?on soit Juif en exil,
il fallait qu?on soit Marran en captivit??
?a fait longtemps
que je Te parle.
Tu es le seul
? qui j?ose parler comme ?a.
Alors, ne Te f?che pas
si je Te dis
tant de choses franches
Je ne suis pas d?accord
avec Ton jugement d?exil.
Mais je Te remercie
de ne pas nous avoir condamn?s
? d?pendre des autres.
R?zadeira chante la pri?re d?apr?s le repas et se l?ve.
B?ni soit
le Seigneur Adonai
qui nous a nourri
?????? 21
B?ni soit
le Tr?s-Haut
qui nous ?pargne
la d?pendance
? tout moment
D?ieu de l?Univers
l?ange Gabriel
entonne Ta gloire
B?ni soit
le Seigneur
D?ieu de l?Univers
R?zadeira r?cite :
cet ?tranger
aux cheveux longs et
aux jeans trou?s
veut tout savoir.
S?il est Ton messager,
pardonne-moi si j?ai des doutes.
Apr?s tout,
Tu ne nous as rien dit
et Tu ne nous donnes pas de signe
et nous avons d?j?
assez souffert
des m?disants.
Mais malgr? tout
m?me si ?a prend trop de temps
nous n?avons pas perdu l?espoir.
??? 22
Je ne lui cache rien,
juste au cas o? il serait Ton ange.
Juste au o?,
dans ma vieillesse,
Tu aurais d?cid? de me montrer Ta face
ou d??clairer mon chemin.
Alors, voil?,
je lui ai montr?
tout ce que j?avais appris de ma m?re
que son ?me soit b?nie.
Je lui ai montr? comment
m?me dans ce sombre exil
nous n?avons pas oubli? Tes prescriptions.
L?abattage rituel d?une poule :
B?ni sois-Tu
Seigneur, D?ieu de l?Univers
qui as cr?? les animaux
pour nous nourrir
B?ni sois-Tu
Seigneur, D?ieu de l?Univers
qui pardonne
? tous ceux qui prennent leurs vies
par amour de l??ternel
R?zadeira r?cite :
cet ?tranger
que Tu nous as envoy? en jeans trou?s
a trouv? cette pri?re belle
Il dit
que les anges pleurent
lorsqu?ils entendent nos pri?res.
Je l?ai m?me vu cacher plus qu?une larme.
???? 23
Si les anges pleurent,
est-il un de Tes anges?
Et Toi,
est-ce que Tu nous entends?
parfois j?ai l?impression
que cet ?tranger
que Tu nous as envoy?
en jeans trou?s
aime trop nos pri?res.
Parfois je pense
qu?il ne va pas nous amener ? J?rusalem
et qu?il va rester ici.
dis-moi, est-il possible
que J?rusalem ne soit plus l?-bas
mais ici?
Est-il possible
que J?rusalem soit l?
o? on est heureux?
cet ?tranger que Tu nous as envoy?
et qui parle Ta langue sainte
si bien,
veut tout savoir.
Il m?a m?me demand?
de l?amener au cimeti?re
prier pour la grand-m?re de toutes ses grand-m?res.
Comment pouvais-je lui refuser
une telle pri?re.
?????? 24
Et en entrant au cimeti?re
j?ai r?cit? la pri?re que j?ai apprise
le jour de la mort de ma grand-m?re :
d?livre ces morts!
Car comme nous,
ils ?taient des vivants
dignes du souffle de la vie.
accepte leurs pri?res!
Car comme eux,
nous nous joindrons ? Toi,
sans souffle de vie!
laisse-nous entrer et sortir
de cette vall?e de pleurs
avec le souffle de la vie.
Que cette pri?re
s??l?ve au ciel!
R?zadeira continue son monologue :
nous sommes entr?s et sortis en paix
de la vall?e des pleurs o? nos morts reposent encore
entre les croix
sur lesquelles Tu as pendu
Ton fils J?sus.
Et l??tranger a trouv? sa grand-m?re,
Tanya de J?sus,
fille de Marrane
fille de Mathatias.
??????? 25
Il a pos? une pierre sur sa tombe,
et il lui a illumin? le chemin qui m?ne vers Toi
avec des chandelles de la Terre Sainte.
Et il lui a parl? dans Ta langue sainte,
comme si elle ?tait parmi nous,
mais il n?a pas fait de pri?re.
Il a dit
que ma pri?re suffisait
et que les anges
la pr?f?raient
? n?importe quelle autre pri?re.
Je voulais lui dire
que j?esp?rais que Toi aussi,
Adonai Seigneur,
Tu l?aimais autant.
J?esp?re que c?est vrai,
parce que ?a fait longtemps
que je prie
et Tu n?as jamais r?pondu,
comme si Tu ne m?avais jamais entendue.
Alors Tu vois,
m?me moi
qui ai suivi Ton chemin
dans ce sombre exil,
je ne sais plus.
Je ne savais plus
si je devais parsemer
la tombe de la sainte de J?sus
de farine blanche et pure
ou de pierre dure.
ou de pierres dures.
? la fin
j?ai fait ,omme j?ai toujours fait.
????????? 26
J?ai parsem?? de ma farine
sur les tombes de mes anc?tres,
et Tanya de J?sus parmi eux.
Et j?ai r?cit? la pri?re que je connaissais :
D?ieu d?Abraham, d?Isaac et de Jacob,
Toi qui es plein d?amour
envers Tes enfants sur terre,
sois mis?ricordieux
envers l??me de nos morts ch?ris.
Si leurs m?rites ne Te suffisent pas,
souviens-Toi, en leurs faveurs,
des vertus de nos patriarches
qui nous ont r?v?l? ta lumiere.
souviens-Toi, en leur faveur,
des vertus de nos martyrs
qui ont glorifi? Ton nom sur terre.
Sois mis?ricordieux aussi
envers nos fr?res
qui sont en Isra?l.
Que l??me
de ceux qui reposent en paix
dans cette vall?e de pleurs
s??l?ve au ciel.
R?zadeira continue son monologue :
Puis, nous avons march?
le long du chemin tortueux
qui m?ne toujours
vers le village que Tu nous as destin?,
sans dire un mot,
comme si tout avait ?t? dit.
????? 27
Nous avons distribu?
aux pauvres rassembl?s
? la porte de l??glise
sans y entrer.
Nous avons visit?
la vieille Mend?s
qui est malade et
qui ne voit plus.
Et la vieille Mend?s
a pris la main de l??tranger
entre ses mains
et ne pouvait plus la laisser.
elle lui a parl?
comme si elle le connaissait
depuis jadis
? Daniel!
Tu es revenu!
J?ai pri? D?ieu,
tant de fois.
Tous ce que je voulais,
c??tait voir ton visage.
Et tu es venu.
je peux partir en paix .?
Puis la vieille Mend?s
a r?cit? la pri?re des malades ;
et l??tranger a r?cit? avec elle :
D?ieu d?Isra?l
le jour de mon affliction
dans Ton Tabernacle
?????? 27
Toi qui as promis la r?demption???? ?(choral)
la nuit de mes supplications
sous Tes ailes
Toi qui as promis la r?demption?????? (choral)
je chanterai tous les jours
la tendresse du Seigneur
car Tu as promis la r?demption??????? (choral)
je contemplerai toutes les nuits
ses merveilles avec joie
car Tu as promis la r?demption??????? (choral)
Que cette pri?re ???????????????????????????????? (choral)
au ciel s??l?ve
Puis nous nous sommes arr?t?s
? la maison de ma fille,
comme si c??tait? la destin?e.
Et c?est l?
que l??tranger a vu
ma petite-fille,
Tanya de J?sus,
comme si c??tait prescrit.
il a r?p?t? apr?s moi
la pri?re r?serv?e aux hommes
qui montent en p?lerinage
aux tombes de leurs anc?tres :
Toi qui as b?ni Abraham,
et ses descendants
jusqu?? nos jours,
?????? 29
envoie Ta b?n?diction
sur ce pain
sur cette table
et sur tous les pr?sents ici.
de tout danger.
sur notre ?me
aussi bien
que sur l??me de nos anc?tres.
Que cette pri?re
s??l?ve au ciel
Et il a r?p?t? apr?s moi
tout ce que je disais
comme s?il ?tait parmi nous
depuis toujours.
Et pour la premi?re fois
je lui ai demand? son nom.
il a r?pondu,
tout simplement,
comme si c??tait
mon petit-fils
Daniel qui r?pondait
? ma question.
Et sa m?re s?appelle Esther,
comme ma m?re et mon arri?re-grand-m?re
et comme ma Santa Rainha
??????? 30
est-il vrai
cet ?tranger
que Tu nous as envoy?
sans signe ni avertissement?
Est-il l?homme ou l?ange
qui va nous montrer
le chemin de retour vers Toi?
Ou est-il encore
juste l?image trompeuse
d?un mauvais ange
qui a ?chapp? ? tes pouvoirs?
Mais ? quoi ?a sert
toutes ces questions?
Je sais d?j? que Tu ne r?pondras pas!
Et cet ?tranger,
en jeans trou?s aux cheveux longs,
Daniel en chair et en os,
?tait l?,
juste en face de moi,
en train de partager
notre repas
comme l?ange Daniel
en compagnie des lions.
j?ai vu son regard
sur ma petite-fille
Et j?ai compris
que m?me si Tu ne me r?pondais pas,
mon ange de r?confort ?tait l?.
??????? 31
Daniel prendra Tanya
et restera parmi nous
pour nous d?livrer,
comme promis
dans Ta sainte Bible.
Choral chante :
enfants d?Isra?l,
Daniel annonce
notre d?livrance.
Comptez les jours
marchez dans ses voies
le pardon ne manquera pas.
le coeur humble
les yeux au ciel
Adonai rassemblera
Ses brebis
de Lisbonne
de Babylone
en Terre Sainte
aux pieds de Son temple
? J?rusalem
R?zadeira continue son monologue :
Toi qui sais
que par exc?s de sacrifices
Ton temple ne valait plus rien.
Toi qui connaissais les intentions
de Titus et de Mathatias
? 32
Toi qui sais
qu?il ?tait prescrit
que les mains qui ont construit
Ton temple
le d?truiraient.
Toi qui sais
que ? judeu ?
ne veut dire qu?aider (? ad judar ?)
Tu sais aussi
que nous avons
march? sur Ton chemin.
peu importe
qui est ce Daniel
nous veillerons
sur lui
en jeans trou?s, ou
aux cheveux longs.
Nous partagerons
avec lui nos meilleurs fruits.
nous n?oublierons pas
que c?est par les m?rites de nos m?res
que nos anc?tres
ont ?t? d?livr?s de l?oppression
de l??gypte
et d?ici
de Belmonte.
D?ieu de l?Univers
D?ieu de Jacob
D?ieu de Rachel
en Ton nom
j?ai uni Tanya et Daniel.
????? 33
R?zadeira chante :
suis-nous des yeux.
Sur le chemin
de nos errances
Choral ????????????????? d?livre-nous
D?une bouche
Choral ????????????????? d?livre-nous
L? o? le soleil
se l?ve
Choral?????????????????? d?livre-nous
L? o? la lune
Choral?????????????????? d?livre-moi
suis-nous des yeux.
Et nous marcherons
le long de Ton chemin
en paix.
D?ieu de l?univers
l? o? Tes brebis
? ce que J?rusalem
soit b?nie
Ottawa, mars 1997.
Autres pri?res
Le Mariage
Au nom du D?ieu
d?Abraham, d?Isaac et de Jacob
vous ?tes unis
et je vous place sous ses b?n?dictions.
macolares cobrado
Tu sais
qu?en captivit?
loin de J?rusalem
sans Cohanim
sans sanctuaire
nous ne pouvons pas
accomplir nos devoirs
de l?oppression
Isra?l d??gypte
Esther de Haman.
Fais en sorte
que nos enfants
? Tes commandements
Eliany Marc – The Rezadeira (English)
The Rezadeira
Marc Eliany
Two thousand years before the common era,
a Babylonian by the name of Abraham
travelled across the Orient.
He discovered a myriad of superstitions
that made of stone, wood and? humans – gods,
and in their names wars were? waged continuously.
All his life,
Abraham could not tolerate conflicts
and looked for ways to stop them.
Abraham raised his eyes to the sky
and discovered
a boundless
and infinitely harmonious Creation.
He thought to himself:
“beyond this earthly existence
must lie another way of living,
at peace
with one?s self
and with one another.”
Since that day,
he preached tirelessly
to all those that would listen.
His first converts
forsook their earthly existence,
destroyed their idols
and undertook to live in harmony
in an infinite universe.
His first converts
are the ancestors of the Jews of our time.
To this day,
the G-d of the Jews
has no bodily shape or form,
but consists of? a set of rules
that can be summarized in a single axiom:
“Love your neighbor like yourself.”
All the rest is but a matter of interpretation.
At the beginning of the common era,
a descendant of Abraham,
observed that with a weapon,
Jewish or Roman,
human life was reduced to misery
to the advantage of the few.
Jesus raised his eyes to the sky
and discovered
a boundless
and infinitely harmonious creation.
He thought to himself
that beyond this earthly existence
must lie another way of living,
at peace
with one?s self
and with one another.
Since that day,
he preached tirelessly
to all those that would listen.
His first converts
forsook their earthly existence,
and undertook to live in harmony
in an infinite universe.
His first converts
are the ancestors of the Jews of our time.
To this day,
the G-d of the Jews
has no bodily shape or form,
but consists of? a set of rules
that can be summarized in a single axiom:
“Love your neighbor like yourself.”
All the rest is but a matter of interpretation.
Armed with this vision,
the Jews dispersed
throughout the universe.
In 1497,
in the land of Portugal,
Jews lived peacefully
among their neighbors.
They knew much about navigation,
and possessed the skill that make any community thrive.
In 1497,
a man by the name of “Emmanuel”,
Hebrew for “G-d is in our midst,”
decided that the Jews living
in the land of Portugal,
would no longer be Jews
but would become Christians.
Children under the age of fourteen
were torn from their mother?s arms
to be raised by Christian families.
Jews who refused to convert
were condemned like criminals
and their children were exiled
on a deserted island, St. Tom?,
where reptiles? devoured them alive.
For 500 years,
in the land of Portugal,
now new Christians,
were called by their neighbors
??marranos? which means ?pigs? in Portuguese.
For 500 years,
before entering a church,
the Marranos proclaimed these words:
?I enter this house of worship
but I adore neither the wood nor the stone in it.
For I adore with all my heart
the only G-d, the King of the Universe!.?
In early 1997,
a stranger came to Belmonte,
in northern Portugal.
He met an old marrano woman,
One day,
locked herself
in her house
and poured out her heart before
an altar of candles
hidden in a small cupboard.
Rezadeira washes her hands and prays
Blessed be You
King of the Universe
who commanded us to wash our hands
as our ancestors did
in the Holy Land.
opens an altar hidden in a small cupboard, lights the candles
and prays
Blessed be you
King of the Universe
who commanded us to light this candle
as our ancestors
did in the Holy Land.
May Your light
illuminate our lives
May Your light
illuminate our souls
May Your light
deliver us from oppression
May this prayer
reach You in the Heavens
Rezadeira begins a monologue with God (Adonay)
A combination of confession, criticism and prayer.
??????????????? Adonay,
??????????????? ?Where are the Jews???????
??????????????? asks this stranger.
??????????????? And still some reply
??????????????? ? I am a Jew,?
??????????????? as if nothing had happened,
??????????????? as if all had been forgotten.
??????????????? Forgive me, Lord, if I have said:
??????????????? ?No, we are not Jews!?
??????????????? Forgive me
??????????????? if I recited ?Our Father in Heaven?
??????????????? if I ate impure beasts
??????????????? if I attended mass
??????????????? if I crossed myself.
??????????????? Forgive me
??????????????? For telling my brother
??????????????? to reject everything.???????????
??????????????? You know
??????????????? that he is a nobody, and
??????????????? that he value not his life
??????????????? since You have forsaken us and abandoned us
??????????????? ?to the Princes that only cherish earthly belongings.
Those that seek
only earthly belongings
know not
that what they own
does not belong to them.
Those that seek
only earthly belongings
forgot their duty
to? widows and orphans.
Those that seek
only earthly belongings
sold us as slaves
throughout four corners of the world.
Those that seek
only earthly belongings
are nothing
without good deeds.
Rezadeira continues her monologue
??????????????? Adonay, G-d of the universe,
??????????????? knower of all things
??????????????? You know
??????????????? that we follow Your path
??????????????? even if we are lost;
??????????????? You know
??????????????? that in our heart we remain still Jews,
??????????????? even if some of? us
??????????????? have forgotten it,
??????????????? the others remind us daily.
Even if we prayed fervently
we could never erase
our “reputation” as convert;
we never lost our “prominence” as Jews.
Useless is our own denial.
But now that the door is shut,
You know
that I am telling the truth.
Who is Jew
and who is not?
We are all Jews,
even those that don?t know it.
Jesus is a Jew.
Yes, Jesus is a Jew,
even if they don?t know it!
You Yourself
have told
Your prophets
that there is but one end;
all will seek Your salvation
on? Your Temple Mount,
for All are One.
forgive me for asking
what are You waiting for?
Have we not wandered enough
atop the mountains of Belmonte?
And this stranger that You sent,
is it another test of Yours?
He says that his ancestors are our ancestors.
Marranos in Lisbon
or Cap Verde,
Jews in Amsterdam
or Marrakech.
In his eyes
I saw Your light shining;
The light that illuminates our way,
already 500 dark years,
an exile within another 2000-year exile!
Forgive me
G-d of Abraham,
God of Jesus,
if I ask You why
we still live in misery.
Haven?t You seen enough of our suffering,
?God of mercy?
You heard the stranger
talk of all that we have forgotten.
He said that
??????????????? with holy water,
??????????????? his ancestors,
??????????????? from Cohen,
??????????????? they became
??????????????? Jesus.
??????????????? Blessed be they!
??????????????? Their souls rest in Marrakech.
In bondage
I followed Your commandments
yet I was chastised.
I heard others say
?From whence comes their salvation??
and I wondered.
I submitted to you
with all the Love and devotion I could spare,
but You did not come,
You have forsaken me.
show Your face,
illuminate my soul!
Rezadeira sings:
purify me
with your water of salvation??????????????? Choral
forgive me
with your water of salvation??????????????? Choral
cure me
with your water of salvation??????????????? Choral
??????????????? with your water of salvation???????????????
??????????????? with your water of salvation
??????????????? with your water of salvation
give me peace.
Rezadeira recites:
??????????????? Adonay,
??????????????? with my right hand
??????????????? on his head,
??????????????? I blessed him:
Adonay, bless us
Adonay, protect us
Adonay, show us Your light
Adonay, grant us peace
??????????????? And he said:
??????????????? ??????????????? that his father rests in Heaven!
??????????????? ??????????????? May his soul be in peace!
Rezadeira sings:
The one from whence he came
did what she could
to show him
the way of Moses
even though he was lost.
God of Israel
save him
from his pursuers
If he is not worthy enough,
his ancestors
God of Israel
save him
from false witnesses
If he is not worthy enough
the martyrs
God of Israel
save him
from stake
and flames
even if his merits
do not satisfy You.
God of Israel
grant him
eternal peace
and remember
God of Israel
bring us closer to Jerusalem
give us peace on earth.
??????????????? He said:
??????????????? ??????????????? From the Holy Land
??????????????? ??????????????? he came
??????????????? ??????????????? From the Promised Land
??????????????? ??????????????? he? brought? news.
??????????????? ??????????????? Israel!
??????????????? ??????????????? May he be blessed.
??????????????? ??????????????? His mother lives in Israel!
??????????????? ??????????????? May his mother be blessed.
??????????????? ??????????????? His mother sent him
??????????????? ??????????????? to find? the Jesus? family? in Belmonte!
??????????????? ??????????????? Adonay, tell me,
??????????????? ??????????????? am I dreaming?
??????????????? ??????????????? Is he telling the truth?
Rezadeira sings:
(her hand upon her heart)
at dawn
On Daniel?s wings
my prayers rise
Peace on earth
Celestial blessings
(her hand on her lips)
at dawn
from Abraham?s lips
my prayers climb
Peace on earth
Celestial blessings
(her hand on her head)
at dawn
In Moses? name
my prayers mount
Peace on earth
Celestial blessings
Rezadeira recites:
??????????????? Adonay,
??????????????? Do our brothers truly dwell in the Holy Land?
??????????????? Do they think of us?
??????????????? Is our fate, their worry?
??????????????? ??????????????? He says:
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? Their life is firmly grounded.
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? They cultivate the land
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? and eat from its fruits.
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? By day,
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? they search for
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? the lost sheep.
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? By night,
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? they guard the gathered flock.
??????????????? ??????????????? He says:
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? From their mouths,
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? he brings us
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? blessings and invitations
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? to gather in Jerusalem
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? riding on eagle?s wings
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? or on whales backs!
Rezadeira sings:
May God
grant us
??????????????? ??????????????? Choral before each verse
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? May God
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? grant us
Abraham?s faith
Noah?s clemency
Jacob?s happiness
Moses?s wisdom
Gideon?s courage
Jeremiah?s spirit
David?s repentance
Solomon?s knowledge
Tobie?s charity
Job?s patience
??????????????? ??????????????? Choral before each verse
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? May God
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? grant us
so that we may gaze
upon the Lord?s delights
so that the Law of the universe
extends from here to Jerusalem
Choral and Rezadeira
God Adonay
Rezadeira recites:
I have prayed to You for at least 100 years
and not a word did I hear from You.
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? ??????????????? 14
For 500 years
my mother
and the mother of my mother have prayed to You
and not a word did they hear from You.
And now
You have sent us this stranger
wearing torn jeans
and long hair
like that of a young girl.
Is this Your way of telling us
that our penance has ended?
Come into my dreams,
give me a sign,
as I am drifting into sleep.
Principle of principles
Dust and ashes I am,
if I have sinned,
my sins in bondage
are of no meaning.
On Judgment Day,
weigh my intent
and You will see
that I do not deserve
Your penalty.
Rezadeira sings:
Evening prayers
With Abraham?s keys
the door was locked
In my bed
I lay down
with Esther?s coat
I shielded myself
To Adonay
I entrusted my soul
In my dreams
the Archangel Gabriel
fear not.
May this prayer reach You.
At dawn, the next morning, Rezadeira rises, washes herself and recites:
May the angels praise the Creator who has made me
May the angels praise the Creator
who gave me
??????????????? ??????????????? eyes to see
??????????????? ??????????????? hands to touch
??????????????? ??????????????? ears to hear
May the angels praise the Creator
who granted me understanding
May the angels praise the Creator who made me
Adonay, King of the Universe, Amen.
Rezadeira sings:
With dawn
I rose to sing
holy psalms
??????????????? ??????????????? Choral
??????????????? Adonay is my joy
??????????????? Adonay is my faith
With the beauty of the dawn
the Almighty rose
??????????????? Choral
??????????????? Adonay is my joy
??????????????? Adonay is my faith
With the light of day
my prayer
rises to the Heavens
??????????????? Choral
??????????????? Adonay is my joy
??????????????? Adonay is my faith
??????????????? Rezadeira washes her hands and prepares the morning bread and recited the following:
Blessed be You who returned
the soul to my body,
on this beautiful morning;
but tell me why have You not sent me
the Archangel Gabriel?
Maybe You think
I do not deserve it.
But You are wrong.
In bondage
I followed in Your path,
Without Cohanim,
Without Leviim.
And now
You leave me alone,
with a stranger wearing torn jeans.
(musical emphasis on italics below)
And alone once again,
I must decide
if the exile has ended,
if Jerusalem is once again within our reach.
Offering of the halla
(If Pessach is near, sing the following)
Rezadeira throws a ball of dough into the fire and repeats three times:
accept our sacrifice
even though we have sinned
Blessed be You
who Knows all
Adonay shema? tefilatenu
Offering of the halla (for Passover)
accept our sacrifice
as You did for our brothers
in the Promised Land
feed Your wandering flock
as You fed
our ancestors
in the Holy Land
forgive us
Knower of all
may we celebrate Passover
in peace
May our prayer
rise to the Heavens
Adonay shema? tefilatenu
Rezadeira at the table
This stranger that You have sent us wearing torn jeans
recites Your blessings in Your holy language.
He blessed Your bread
in a way we do not know;
but what we know
comes from You.
Rezadeira prays:
May all that we eat
bring us abundance
May all that we drink
bring us health
May all that is left
bring us Your blessing
May this prayer rise to the Heavens
Blessed be the King of the Universe
Rezadeira recites:
the stranger thinks
ours is a beautiful prayer.
If it is so beautiful,
why do You not hear us?
Why have You abandoned us in this double exile?
Did it not suffice
that we be Jews in exile,
we also had to be marranos in bondage?
I have been talking
to You for years.
You are the only one
with whom I dare speak my mind;
So, do not be cross,
if I share with You,
my most sincere thoughts.
I do not agree
with Your judgment of exile;
but, I thank You,
for not condemning us
to depend on others.
Rezadeira sings the prayers following meals and rises.
Blessed be Adonay
who nourishes us
Blessed be the Almighty
who preserves us
from dependence
at all times
God of the Universe
sings Your glory
Blessed be
the King of the Universe
Rezadeira recites:
This stranger
with the long hair
and the torn jeans
wants to know everything.
If he is Your messenger,
forgive me for having doubts.
After all,
You have told us nothing
and You give us no sign,
and we have already suffered enough from slanderers.
But even so,
we did not loose hope.
So, I hide nothing from him,
in case he might be Your angel.
Just in case that,
in my old age,
You decide to show me Your face
or light my way,
I taught him
all that I learned from my mother,
may she rest in peace,
I showed him how,
even in this dark exile,
we have not forgotten Your commandments.
The ritual slaughtering of a chicken
Blessed be
the King of the Universe
who created animals
for our nourishment.
Blessed be
the King of the Universe
who forgives
those who take life for nourishment
for the love of the Almighty
Rezadeira recites:
this stranger
that You have sent us wearing torn jeans
finds this prayer beautiful too.
He said
that angels cry
when they hear us pray.
And, I saw him hide more than one tear away.
If angels cry,
may he be one of Your angels?
And You,
do You hear us?
sometimes I feel
that this stranger
that You sent us
with torn jeans
likes our prayers too much.
Sometimes I think
that he will not lead us to Jerusalem
but stay here.
(music to highlight the italics below)
tell me, is it possible
that Jerusalem is no longer there
but here?
Is it possible
that Jerusalem is
where one’s? happiness is found?
this stranger that You sent us
and who speaks Your holy language so well,
wants to know everything.
He bid me to take him to the cemetery
to pray for the grandmother of all his grandmothers.
How could I deny him
such a prayer?
When I entered the cemetery,
I recited the prayer that I learned
the day my grandmother died:
deliver these souls,
as they were living beings,
like us,
deserving of the wind of life.
accept their prayers,
for we shall join You as they have:
let us enter and leave,
this valley of tears,
with life within us.
May this prayer
rise to the Heavens
Rezadeira continues her monologue:
We came and went in peace
from the valley of tears,
where our dead still rest,
between the crosses
on which You hung
Your son Jesus.
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? ??????????????? 23
And the stranger found his grandmother,
Tanya of Jesus,
daughter of Marrano,
daughter of Mathatias.
He placed a stone on her tomb,
and lit her path to You
with candles from the Holy Land.
He spoke to her in Your holy language,
as if she was still among us,
but he did not say a prayer.
He said
that my prayer was enough
and that angels
preferred it
to any other prayer.
I wanted to tell him
that I hoped You liked it as much.
I hope you do,
because I have been praying for a long time
and You never answered me,
as if You had never heard me.
So You see,
even I,
who has walked in Your path,
in this dark exile,
I am lost of understanding.
I did not know
if I had to strew
the tomb of? the saint grandma’ Jesus
with white and pure flour
or plain hard stones.
In the end
I did as I always did.
I strew flour
on my ancestors? tomb,
and Tanya Jesus
was among them.
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? ??????????????? 24
I recited the prayer I had learned:
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
You who cares for all Your children on earth,
have mercy
on the souls of our dearly departed.
If they are not worthy enough,
for their sake,
the virtues
of our ancestors
who revealed Your light to us.
for their sake,
the virtues
of our martyrs
who praised Your name on earth.
Have mercy
on our brothers
in the Land of? Israel.
May the souls
of those who rest in peace
in this valley of tears
rise to the Heavens
Rezadeira continues her monologue:
Then, we walked
along the winding path
that always leads
to the village that You had destined for us,
without saying a word,
as if everything had already been said.
We gave
to the poor gathered
on the footstep of the church
without entering it.
We visited
old Mendes,
who is sick
and who cannot see anymore.
And the old Mendes
took the stranger?s hand
between her hands
and could not let go of it.
And she spoke to him,
as if she knew him from a long time ago:
? Daniel!
You have returned!
I prayed God so often.
All I wanted was to see Your face again.
And You came.
I can go in peace .?
Then the old Mendes
recited the prayer for the ill
and the stranger recited it with her:
God of Israel,
On the day of my affliction
hide me
in Your Tabernacle,
You who has promised redemption.???? (choral)
On the night of my supplications
take me
under Your wings,
You who has promised redemption.?????????? (choral)
??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? ??????????????? 26
I will praise all the days of my life
Your sweetness,
because You have promised redemption??????????? (choral)
Every night, with great joy,
I will gaze upon Your marvels,
because You have promised redemption.?????????? (choral)
May this prayer?? ??????????????????????????????? ??????????????? (choral)
rise to the Heavens
Then we stopped
at my daughter?s house,
as if destiny had ordered it.
And this is where
the stranger
saw my grandchild,
Tanya Jesus,
as if it was written.
he repeated after me
the prayer reserved for those
who make a pilgrimage
to the grave of their ancestors:
You who have blessed Abraham
and his descendants
to this day,
bring Your blessings
to this bread
to this table
and to all those sitting here.
deliver us
from danger.
guard our soul
and the souls
of our ancestors.
May this prayer
rise to the Heavens
And he repeated after me
all that I said
as if he had always been in our midst.
And for the first time,
I asked his name.
he simply answered,
as if my
own grandson
Daniel was answering
my question.
And his mother?s name is Esther,
like my mother and my great grandmother,
and like my Santa Rainha
(musical higlight build up)
tell me,
is he real
this stranger
that You sent us
without a sign or warning?
Is he the man or? the angel
who will lead us
back to You?
Or is he
the misleading image
of an evil angel
who escaped Your powers?
But what is the point
to all these questions?
I know that You will not answer me!
And this stranger,
with jeans and long hair,
Daniel, in flesh and blood,
was there,
right in front of me,
sharing our meal
like the angel Daniel
in the lions? den.
I caught him looking
at my grandchild,
And I understood
that even if You don?t answer me,
my comforting angel was here.
Daniel will take Tanya
and stay in our midst
to deliver us,
as it is promised
in Your Holy Bible.
Choral sings
Oh! Children of Israel,
Daniel is heralding
our delivery.
Count the days
walk in his path
forgiveness is nigh.
With a humble heart
looking up to the sky
Adonay will gather
his flock
from Lisbon
from Babylon
in the Holy Land
at the foot of His temple
in Jerusalem
Rezadeira continues her monologue:
You who knows
that because of excess of sacrifices
Your temple lost its worth.
You who knows
what Titus and Mathatias
You who knows
that it was written
that the hands who built
Your temple
would turn it into rubbles.
You who knows
that judeu
only means “help” (ad judar).
You also know
that we have
walked in Your path.
no matter
who is this Daniel;
we will look
after him,
with torn jeans
or long hair.
We will share
with him
the best of our fruits.
We will not forget
that thanks to our mother?s good deeds
our ancestorswere delivered
from bondage in Egypt
and from here,? from Belmonte.
God of the Universe
God of Jacob
God of Rachel
in Your name
I have united Tanya and Daniel.
Rezadeira sings
follow us with Your gaze.
On the way
of our wandering
Choral ? ??????????????? deliver us
From slander
Choral ? ??????????????? deliver us
Where the sun rises
Choral?? ??????????????? deliver us
Where the moon shines
Choral?? ??????????????? deliver me! deliver me! deliver me!
follow us with Your gaze.
And we will walk
in Your path
in peace.
God of the Universe,
Bless Jerusalem
Where Your flock strays.
Ottawa, mars 1997.
Other prayers
Wedding prayer
In the name of the God
of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Your are now wed
and I recommend You unto Him.
macolares cobrado
You know
that in bondage
far from Jerusalem
with no Cohanim
with no sanctuary
we cannot
carry out our duties
forgive us
deliver us
from hardship
as You did
for Israel in Egypt
as You did
for Esther from Haman
May our children
abide by Your commandments
in my thought
on my lips
in my heart
whispers in the dark
no priests
no books
only faint words
in the dark
Eliany Marc – Between Lisbon and Marakesh
Between Lisbon and Marakesh:
The ‘Inhabitants’ versus ‘Expelled’ Controversy
Or the case for oral history in education
Marc Eliany ? All Rights Reserved
A rift between Spanish-Portuguese Jewish refugees and the old Jewish ‘inhabitants’ of Morocco in relation to ritual slaughters practices has been used to suggest that the two populations did not mix. However, a massive flow of Jewish refugees from Spain and Portugal into Morocco and their assimilation into the ‘inhabitants’ population, with some exceptions, lend credence to the argument that the rift has been exaggerated and that the assimilation has been downplayed.
Historical background
It is quite well established that the origins of the Iberian Jewry was in North Africa and that people went back and forth between the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa. Most celebrated is HaRambam’s travel to Fez to further his education, after studying with Rabbis of Moroccan origin in Spain (Hirschberg, 1965).
There are also occasional references to Morocco and North Africa as centers of refuge for the Spanish-Portuguese Jewry after the 1492 expulsion from Spain and the 1497 forced and massive conversion in Portugal (Hirschberg, 1965, Chouraqui, 1985, Zafrani 1983).
Occasionally, a rift between Spanish-Portuguese Jewish refugees and the old Jewish ‘inhabitants’ of Morocco in relation to ritual slaughtering practices has been used to indicate that the two populations did not mix. This, I would say, was a research bias due to excessive reliance on rabbinic documentation that reported the rift above and the lack of other empirical observations of everyday life in Morocco.
A good review of historical facts does point to a massive on land flow of Jewish refugees from Spain into Portugal around 1492 mainly due to lack of sufficient maritime means of transportation, impoverishment (and abuse) of the Jewish population around the time of the decree of expulsion, limiting the ability to buy a way out, in addition to constraints on massive immigration to neighboring countries, including North Africa (Hirschberg, 1965, Chouraqui, 1985, Zafrani 1983).
Similar circumstances limited the ability of Jews to leave Portugal in 1497, leading to their massive conversion and the establishment of a significant New Christian population in Portugal.
But life was not easy for the New Christians in Iberia and many sought refuge elsewhere. The tales of Spanish-Portuguese Jewish centers in places such as Amsterdam, Livorno, Sarajevo and Kushta to mention only a few, are well known. But less known is the tale of the massive immigration of Spanish-Portuguese Jews to Morocco.
Many Spanish-Portuguese Jews found refuge in Morocco for the following reasons:
1. Morocco was close and relatively easy to reach by sea at a modest cost;
2. Local Jews assisted their friends and relatives to settle in Morocco;
3. Internal conditions led Arab leaders to sponsor Spanish-Portuguese Jews to settle across the land including remote Southern areas;
4. Spanish-Portuguese New Christians used Spanish and Portuguese ports on Moroccan land, i.e., Mogador, to establish contacts with the so-called Jewish ‘inhabitants’ of Morocco and settle amongst them;
5. After settling in Morocco, Spanish-Portuguese New Christians returned to
Judaism and assisted their relations to leave Iberia in order to settle in Morocco (Roth 1932, Hirschberg, 1965, Chouraqui, 1985, Zafrani 1983, Fernandes 1980).
The case for assimilation
The question that remains is what happened to all the Spanish-Portuguese New Christians who settled in Morocco. Contrary to widely held opinions, I suggest that most assimilated in the local Jewish population and only a minority kept a distinct identity. The following case study provides some evidence.
According to established oral traditions, Cohanim played an important role in the development of trade and commerce in and around Marrakech since a very ancient time. Leading Cohanim families, among others, participated in the Moors’ conquest of Spain and settled there. But family and commercial ties were maintained overtime, even during turbulent times.
Around the time of the expulsion from Spain and following the forced conversion of the Portuguese Jewry, Arab and Berber leaders sought skilled Jewish refugees to fortify Southern Morocco after a period of decline.
According to the same oral sources (1), several families of Cohanim adopted distinct New Christians names such as DeJesus and DeDieu. The Khesus (read Jesus) family, for example, had expertise in silver and gold embroidery and worked for the Glaoui family (governor of Marrakech and Southern Morocco around the independence of Morocco) from generation to generation and could trace their background to one of the New Christian families who were Cohanim before the conversion.
According to the same sources (1), the families could not re-adopt the Cohen status and name because of the ‘conversion sin.’ Some families maintained the ‘Khesus’ and ‘Dadia’ (3) names (Arabic distortions of Jesus and DeDieu) to remember the conversion disaster. Other families adopted Hebrew names such as ‘Ben Zikhri’ or ‘Ben Shoshan’ to denote their Cohanim ancestry.
It is interesting to note that most of the families above, with the exception of one (Ben Shoshan) (3) did no longer speak Spanish or Portuguese and one could not distinguish them from local Jewish ‘inhabitants.’ Among their elders, vestiges of memories were held that relatives lived ‘across the sea’ (read in Portugal, Spain, Cape Verde and Manchester) but their mention was taboo, probably because the foreign branches lived as Christians (i.e., Corcos and BenSaud as Protestants in Manchester and elsewhere in England as well as DeJesus as Catholics in Lisbon and Cape Verde) (4).
Members of some of the families above were known to live as Jews in Morocco but maintained a Christian lifestyle elsewhere until recent years. In one case, a relative of the Khesus of Marrakech, who lived as a Jew and Cohen in Mogador and who maintained commercial ties with the DeJesus of Lisbon, married in the early 1900’s a woman of DeJesus family. This Cohen-Dejesus family settled later in Cape Verde and some of its descendents live in Lisbon, Portugal as well as Ottawa, Canada. Most members of these families remember their origins but live a secular lifestyle, wearing Jewish symbols such as the Star of David discreetly.
Empirical observations and fiction
My play ‘Rezadeira’ is a fictional creation based on historical readings as well as first hand anthropological research (Da Silva and Benaim-Ouaknine 1996), including interviews with some of the family members mentioned above. In the citation below, taken from the play ‘Rezadeira,’ a young man arrives to Belmont?, in Northern Portugal in search of the DeJesus family and asks a passer-by: where are the Jews? An old woman, who denies she was Jewish, retired into her basement, lights a candle and begins a monologue/confession. The reply of the choir is an adaptation of a New Christians prayer chanted during secret ritual (Eliany 1992):
“Where are the Jews?”
asks this stranger.
And still some reply
” I am a Jew,”
as if nothing had happened,
as if all had been forgotten.
Forgive me, Lord, if I have said:
“No, we are not Jews!”
Forgive me
if I recited “Our Father in Heaven”
if I ate impure beasts
if I attended mass
if I crossed myself.
Forgive me
For telling my brother
to reject everything.
You know
that he is a nobody, and
that he value not his life
since You have forsaken us and abandoned us
to the Princes that only cherish earthly belongings.
Those that seek
only earthly belongings
know not
that what they own
does not belong to them.
Those that seek
only earthly belongings
forgot their duty
to widows and orphans.
Those that seek
only earthly belongings
sold us as slaves
throughout four corners of the world.
Those that seek
only earthly belongings
are nothing
without good deeds.
Rezadeira continues her monologue
Adonay, G-d of the universe,
knower of all things
You know
that we follow Your path
even if we are lost;
You know
that in our heart we remain still Jews,
even if some of us
have forgotten it,
the others remind us daily.
(For The full version of the play, Please see Rezadeira, Eliany 1992).
In depth research and systematic documentation of Jewish life in Morocco improved in recent years but there is little doubt that the area remains a virgin land, full of blind spots and unknowns. This paper is an illustration how the rift between Spanish-Portuguese Jewish refugees and the old Jewish ‘inhabitants’ of Morocco in relation to ritual slaughtering practices has been used to convey that the two populations did not mix.
However, our case studies do indicate that Jewish refugees from Spain and Portugal in Morocco assimilated into the ‘inhabitants’ population to a point that only vague recollections of the distant past in Iberia remained alive, with few exceptions, lending credence to the argument that the rift has been exaggerated and that the assimilation has been downplayed.
Finally, the play Rezadeira, is a fictional testimony conveying a reality, which however distant, does provide an indication that most Spanish/Portuguese refugees who settled in Morocco assimilated into the ‘inhabitant’ Jewish population and hardly remembered their passage through Iberia, with some noted exception.
Sources and notes:
Chouraki, Andre 1985 Histoire des Juifs en Afrique du Nord, Hachette
Da Silva A. and Benaim-Ouaknine E. 1996 La Memoire au Feminin, Editions Images, Montreal
Eliany, M. 1992 Rezadeira, and
Fernandez, L. S. 1980 Judios Espanles en la Edad Media, Ediciones Rialp, Madrid. (Gallimard, 1983 in French)
Hirschberg, H.Z. 1965 A history of the Jews in North Africa From Antiquity to our Time, Bialik Institute, Jerusalem (Hebrew)
Roth C. 1932 A History of the Marranos, Irene Roth (Liana Levi 1992, 2nd Edition)
Zafrani Haim, 1983 Mille Ans de Vie Juive au Maroc, Histoire et Culture, Religion et Magie, G.P. Maisonneuve et Larose, Paris
1. Esther Eliany, formely Khesus, interviews in Kiriat Shemona, Israel, recalling oral traditions in Marakesh.
2. Yehuda Dadia (Gu Arieh), interviews in Beth Shean, Israel, recalling oral traditions in Marakesh.
3. David Shoshan, interviews in Casablanca, recalling family relations and oral traditions in Beni Melal, Morocco.
4. Daniel and Theresa DeJesus, interviews in Ottawa, Canada, recalling family relations in Portugal and Cape Verde.
Translation to Spanish and Portuguese, performances and lectures will be most welcome.
Please communicate with Marc Eliany at:
Eliany Marc – Soleil Soleil
Soleil, soleil
Marc Eliany ?
Soleil, soleil,
Ou est-tu?
Ferme les yeux.
Compte jusqu?? trois.
Je suis l?
Pr?s de toi.
Soleil, soleil,
Ou te cache-tu?
Ouvre les yeux.
Un, deux, trois.
Me voil?,
Parmi les nuages.
Soleil, soleil,
Joueras-tu avec moi?
Compte jusqu?a trois,
Ne me regarde pas.
Je serai l?,
Petite fille,
? ton tour,
Je te trouverai.
Un, deux, trois.
Te voil?
Dans mes bras.
Eliany Marc – Genevieve et le petite oiseau des bois
Genevieve et le petite oiseau des bois
Marc Eliany
Table de matiere
Le nid des quatres saisons
Le grand secret
Les arbres qui pleurent
L? espoir des petits arbres
La nature des choses
Le mal des grands secrets
Le nid des quatres saisons
Dans la for?t des petits doigts
Genevi?ve a rencontr? un tout petit oiseau.
Coucou, coucou, disait le petit oiseau ? Genevi?ve
tout en restant cach?
derri?re les feuilles vertes d?un grand ?rable majestueux.
Coucou r?pondit Genevi?ve au petit oiseau timide.
Genevi?ve regarda ? gauche et tout autour,
mais elle ne pouvait pas voir le petit oiseau.
Coucou, coucou, repeta Genevi?ve.
Je veux te voir, beau petit oiseau.
Descends de ton nid
et nous serons amis pour toujours, toujours,
jusqu?? la fin des jours.
Coucou, reprit le petit oiseau, tout joyeux.
Je m?appelle le petit oiseau des bois.
Je suis de passage ici tout les pringtemps;
pendant les autres saisons, je suis le soleil.
Mais contre ton amiti?
Je batirai un nid pour les quatres saisons,
tout pres de toi, petite Genevi?ve,
juste derri?re ta maison.
Le grand secret
La for?t des petits doigts est tellement grande,
disait Genevi?ve au petit oiseau des bois,
comment trouves-tu ton chemin?
Ah! Petite Genevi?ve,
c?est un secret que tu apprendras,
au jour le jour,
en faisant des petits pas,
les uns apr?s les autres.
Mais comment saurai-je
que j?ai choisi le bon chemin,
petit oiseau des bois?
Dans ton coeur tu le sauras,
petite Genevi?ve;
ton coeur te le dira.
petit oiseau des bois;
j?ai peur de me perdre dans cette for?t immense.
Suis mon vol,
petite Genevi?ve,
et puis un jour,
tu trouveras ton chemin,
? travers toutes les routes
qui passent dans la for?t.
Les arbres qui pleurent
Le petit oiseau des bois s?envola,
l?air plein de joie.
Il savait que son amie Genevi?ve
le suivait ? petites pas.
Sur son chemin, Genevi?ve d?couvrit
des arbres qui voient,
leurs feuilles comme des yeux en formes d?amandes;
des arbres qui entendent,
leurs feuilles boucl?es? comme des oreilles;
des arbres qui entendent,
leurs feuilles boucl?es comme des oreilles;
des arbres qui pointent,
comme du bout des doigts, leurs feuilles effil?es;
et des arbres qui parlent
avec leurs feuilles en langue aiguis?es.
Les arbres aux yeux d?amandes
voyaient tout ce qui passait dans la for?t.
Les arbres aux feuilles boucl?es
entendaient toutes ses voix;
ensemble, ils connaissaient
tout les secrets de la grande for?t.
Petit oiseau des bois,
penses-tu que les arbres qui voient
et les arbres qui entendent
partageraient leurs secrets avec nous?
C?est bien possible,
petite Genevi?ve,
c?est bien possible.
Mais sans bouche ni doigts,
ils ne pourront pas.
Et les arbres qui parlent
et les arbres qui pointent du doigt,
pourront-ils nous aider?
Oh non! Petite Genevi?ve,
ce qu?ils diront ne vaudra pas grand choses.
Les arbres qui parlent
n?entendent pas ce qu?on leur dit
et les arbres qui pointent du doigts
ne voient pas ou l?on s?en va.
Genevi?ve et le petit oiseau des bois
?taient tellement tristes
qu?ils se sont mis ? pleurer.
Puis toute las for?t pleura aussi.
Ils ont tellement pleur?
que tous les arbres en furent noy?s.
Peu apr?s, d?autres arbres pouss?rent dans la for?t,
mais aucun ne pouvait voir,
ni entendre, ni parler,
ni pointer du petit doigt.
A petits pas,
la tete basse,
Genevi?ve reprit son chemin dans la for?t.
Son Coeur plein de courage,
elle savait qu?un jour
elle trouverait le grand secret.
L? espoir des petits arbres
Genevi?ve continua son chemin dans la for?t.
De temps en temps,
celui-ci lui paraissait tr?s long.
Mais chaque fois
quelle levait les yeux,
elle apercevait le petit oiseau des bois
qui poursuivait son vol,
Petit oiseau des bois,
que vois-tu du haut des cieux?
Je vois des petits arbres,
petite Genevi?ve,
qui essaient de trouver leur place au soleil,
? l?ombre des plus grands et des plus majestueux.
Je vois d?autres arbres,
fr?les et agiles,
qui plient sous le souffl?s des gros nuages.
Petit oiseau aux yeux per?ants,
vont-ils survivre,
ces petits arbres?
Oh! petite Genevi?ve,
ce n?est pas l?ombre des grands arbres,
ni le souffl? des gros nuages
qui les arr?teront.
Petit oiseau des bois,
qu?est-ce qui donne aux petits arbres
la force de survivre sans soleil
et sous le vent?
C?est l?espoir,
petite Genevi?ve,
l?espoir qu?un jour,
ils verront le soleil.
La nature des choses
Petit ? petit,
Genevi?ve apprenait ? trouver son chemin
entre les arbres.
De temps en temps,
elle suivait du coin des yeux
le vol du petit oiseau des bois
dans le ciel bleu.
De temps ? autre,
Genevi?ve lui posait des questions
car, dans la grande for?t,
il y a toujours des choses ? apprendre.
Petit oiseau des bois,
ou se trouvent les animaux?
Loin d?ici,
petite Genevi?ve,
dans les clairieres de la for?t,
l? ou la course entre les arbres ralentit
et permet aux animaux de se promener.
Petit oiseau des bois,
sont-ils aussi gentils que toi,
ces animaux de la for?t?
Oh! petite Genevi?ve,
il y en a de toutes sortes.
Ceux qui sont aussi forts que les grands arbres,
ceux qui sont aussi tenaces que les petits arbres
et ceux qui sont aussi ensible
que les arbres tout fr?les.
N?y a-t-il pas de differences
entre les arbres et les animaux,
petit oiseau des bois?
Mais si,
petite Genevi?ve,
entre les arbres et les animaux,
il y a la forme qui change,
mais la nature des choses,
reste toujours la m?me.
Le mal des grands secrets
Beaucoup de jours pass?rent.
Genevi?ve avait traverse
Des lacs et des vall?es.
Un jour,
Genevi?ve grimpa
Aux sommet
de la plus haute montagne
qui soit.
Quelle belle vue,
Disait Genevi?ve au petit oiseau des bois;
Comme tout est paisible ici.
Je peux voir maintenant
Presque tout ce que tu vois,
Petit oiseau des bois,
M?me la clairi?re dans la for?t.
Petite Genevi?ve,
Que se passe-t-il dans cette clairi?re?
Je vois des chevreuils qui fuient
Et des loups qui les suivent.
Je vois un chevreuil affaibli
Qui tra?ne de la patte,
? l?agonie.
Que vois-tu d?autre,
Petite Genevi?ve?
Dis-moi toute la v?rit?.
Petit oiseau des bois,
Que c?est triste.
Le chevreuil se meurt maintenant
Entre les griffes des loups affam?s.
Blotis-toi sous mes ailes,
Petite Genevi?ve.
Partage avec moi
Le mal de ce grand secret
Et tu verras qu?a travers ta tristesse
Tu decouvriras d?autres verit?s.
Au sommet de la montagne
Au sommet de la montagne,
Au Coeur de la for?t,
Genevi?ve se trouva seul
Le petit oiseau des bois
A cot?.
Au sommet de la montagne,
Au coeur de la for?t,
Genevi?ve et le petit oiseau des bois
Se sentaient loin
De tout ce qu?ils aimaient.
Au sommet de la montagne,
Au coeur de la for?t,
Les deux petits amis savaient
Que le temps est arrive
De retracer,
Son chemin,
Vers son tr?sors priv?.
Eliany Marc – Creation and Israel
Poems on Creation and Israel
M. Eliany ©
Hear the cradle
The cradle
Weeping estrangement.
The tale of reeds
Lamenting men
Far from their source.
The moan of women
Blowing in the wind,
Wishing back
The time they loved,
The time they were united,
The time they praised benevolence,
The time they lived in humility.
Samson and Delilah
M. Eliany ©
I have seen a woman in Timna’
A beauty amongst Philistines,
Delilah is her name.
She is my destiny,
My wife to be!
The wedding lasted seven days.
Adorned garments,
Torches lit and procession.
Samson and Delilah
Were king and queen.
On the seventh day,
Before the sun sank down,
Between riddles and wine,
Samson’s pride was cut.
Ever since,
Life in Israel
Has never been the same.
And till this day
Israel and Philistines
Remain astray.
Love is my fate
M. Eliany ©
Love is faith.
Love is my fate
Equally in
Temples or
I shunned no reason
M. Eliany ©
Shunned no reason
Scorned no learning
Clang not to one single creed.
No beginning,
No end.
Existence in itself
Truth in all.
The light I love
M. Eliany ©
You are
The light I love,
The source of all illumination,
The experience of all imagination,
The inspiration of what exists not.
You are
The Light of Lights,
My quest so pure,
How could there be any Hope
But You!
My dreams
M. Eliany ©
My dreams were blood stained,
Orphans bathed in them,
And my prayers,
Too powerless
To sooth my aching soul,
Until I brought an end to evil
And I learnt to do good.
M. Eliany ©
Late you came to me,
Emerging from within,
Not from lovely things
Sought out there.
And I loved you shamelessly,
As if existence was only in you,
As if all else existed not.
Make peace your path
M. Eliany ©
Make peace your path,
Justice – your walk.
Drink from the fountain of life.
Let others drink in turn.
Life is your spring.
That is all there is!”
Justice seduced me
M. Eliany ©
Justice seduced me
And I was overcome.
I tried to say:
It’s not my business
But like fire,
It burnt in my heart,
And I could not bear
My efforts to contain it.
Unmoved Mover
M. Eliany ©
Unmoved Mover!
Uncaused Being!
I searched
Till the darkest of darkness
Came upon me,
Till every abyss
Filled with delusion.
But You eluded me.
Unmoved Mover!
Uncaused Being!
Could You ever exist?
If You do,
Shine upon me,
And make me sing your praise.
Living on borrowed time
M. Eliany ©
I am
Neither a man or a woman,
Neither a Jew or a Muslim,
Neither from earth or heaven,
Neither from North or South.
I am what I am,
A living creature on borrowed time.
Every thing else matters not.
Towers of Illusion
M. Eliany ©
It is still summer here
but it is not as hot,
as on mid-summer days.
From time to time,
forecasters say,
a cooler day is on its way,
yet above seasonal temperature lingers.
On such days,
dreamers say,
we might get
some rain.
That is what winter is like here.
Meanwhile, the country is in denial,
that balance in the Middle East has gone by.
Israel offensive capabilities remain destructive,
but its enemies’ missiles’ arsenal multiplied.
For this, Israel has little defense.
The day missiles fall upon Tel Aviv,
in lieu of heaven’s rain,
the glass towers,
where our elite resides,
will tumble.
Then, it might be too late to ponder,
why alternatives were hardly considered.
And believers might wonder
why Heaven let it happen.
Until then, we shall remain proud
of our might,
chariots and smarts,
and towers of illusion
and semblance of success.
Blessing for a holiday season
M. Eliany ©
It is sunny in the Holy Land,
No rain,
No peace yet,
But hopes remain,
That rain will come
And peace too.
This Christmas,
When you whisper Santa,
Or ask Heaven for a wish,
Please plead for rain and peace,
To bless the Holy Land,
And may you be blessed
With a Merry Christmas,
The best of New Years,
And the happiest holiday season.
Eliany Marc – Poems
Eliany Marc – On Wine and Love
On Wine and Love
© Marc Eliany
Come Into My Garden
Come my love Into my garden
The roses are in bloom,
Their scent exhilarating.
Drink with me
For the sun has risen
And the birds are singing.
Come My Love
Come My love
Drink my grapes.
Lick the juice on your lips.
And watch the stars smiling,
For the moon Is dancing.
Drink Up
Drink up,
My love.
Fill my cup!
Let me drink
My sorrow.
For my house
Is in ruin.
And the heavens
Remain still.
Green Are the Grapes Marc Eliany
Green are the grapes
In my beloved’s garden
Her lips Scarlet red.
And her kisses
The taste of wine.
But in my land
My friends are scattered
Like rubies
In pigs’ stalls.
My Eyes Caught Your Lips
My eyes caught your lips.
A garden
A lawn
And soon Budding trees,
Flowers And ripe fruits Too.
He, Who will not bite,
Will bear his sin.
My joy
My joy,
My heart’s delight,
Come to my side,
Fill my cup!
My friends have faulted me.
But my heart is pure
My soul with no blemish.
Come to my side,
Pay them no heed,
Let me drink
The wine On your lips.
Sleep Not
Sleep not!
Drink my wine!
Make My garden Your bed.
Sip In joy My bloom.
Scented delights,
A river stroll,
Birds singing,
The sound of your lips
In my garden!
Wake Up My Love
Wake up my love
My vine is in bloom.
Fill your cup
With glittering wine.
Your scent
Dances in my heart
Like fire.
And angels
Sing your praise In the heavens.
Like my tears
For my loss
For my beloved
In ruin.